Monday, March 30, 2020

Heritage Trail 2020

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Heritage Trail 2020 is canceled. 

We hope all of you stay healthy and safe. Many museums are focusing on putting more content online and if you scroll down to the Trail Guide from 2019, you'll find links to the websites of those museums that have an online presence.  At the Placer County Museums, we're putting a lot of content on our website: Artifact Highlights, educational material, an Ask a Curator activity, and soon we'll post virtual tours of museums and a Walking Tour of historic Auburn. We'll also start an Online History Art Club that you and your children can participate in. 

For more information go to:  and scroll down to the bottom to view our new content.

We look forward to seeing you online! Once we get through this, we'll begin planning Heritage Trail 2021!